NFL – London!

As passionate sports fans, we love the idea of the National Football League (NFL) coming over to our home city of London and displaying the amazing sport of football, or as we know it, American Football!

NFL in London

It has become an annual event (October) that some of the NFL’s top players and teams come over to the UK, London specifically, and show us what they’re made of by playing in some of our top stadiums. Three games will be played in London, two of them will be played at the home of the three lions, Wembley stadium, and the other will be held at Twickenham Stadium, which will be it’s first ever NFL game! At least 3 of the teams will be new tams that have not previously played in England, just to give the fans that little extra variety. The NFL International series do this once a year to reward their passionate fans around the globe, especially in London. “The passion our UK fans have shown for the NFL is overwhelming”. Words from the NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell.

Who’s playing, and when?

We know what you’re thinking, who’s playing, when and where? Here’s a table and a link for a little further information.



Visiting Team

Home Team



  Sunday, October 2  Indianapolis Colts  Jacksonville Jaguars  Wembley Stadium


  Sunday, October 23  New York Giants  Los Angeles Rams  Twickenham Stadium


  Sunday, October 30  Washington Redskins  Cincinnati Bengals  Wembley Stadium

Further Information Here.

How Can We Help You?

If you’re interested in visiting one of the games, and need a form of transport, think Licensed London Taxi. If you need transport for any other trips around the UK, don’t hesitate to visit our booking page on our website here. Enquiries can be made on the website, and further information can be found on our Twitter Page. You can give us a call on 07519 055 741, or use the booking form on the site. We’re always available for a chat, and reply to any quote as fast as we can. If you’re wondering about pricing or have any questions, we’d be happy to have a chat on the number above. Watch the NFL in your favourite city!